Ten Are You’s
1. are you single – yupp.
2. are you happy – kind of okay, i guess.
3. are you bored – heck yeah.
4. are you naked – no.
5. are you a blonde – um, i have abit of that hair colour? Lol.
6. are you moody – sometimes.
7. are you a lover/hater – lover. LOL
8. are you hot/cold – define hot or cold.
9. are you irish – nope.
10. are you asian – yup.
ten facts
1. name – Yvette Lim
2. nicknames – Y-vette, Vette, (y)vette, yvettar :D
3. any birth marks – idk.
4. hair color – um, brown or light brown? with abit of gold? LOL.
5. natural hair color – brown la LOL.
6. eye color – um idk.
7. height – shaddap.
8. mood – okay.
9. favorite colour - black.
10. one place you want to visit - europe ftw.
nine things about your love life
1. do you believe in love at first sight – yup
2. do you believe in soul mates – maybe
3. have you ever been hurt emotionally – guess so.
4. have you ever broke someone’s heart? – um hahaha.
5. ever had your heart broken? – dont think so.
6. have you ever liked someone but never told them? – i think.
7. are you afraid of commitment? – nope.
8. who was the last person you hugged? – my brother i think hahaha.
9. who was the last person you said i love you to? - haha my friends :D
ten this or that
1. love or lust – love
2. cats or dogs – dogs.
3. a few best friends or many regular friends – a few best friends.
4. television or internet – internet and television.
5. chinese or indian – chinese.
6. wild night out or romantic night in – night in.
7. money or happiness – happiness.
8. night or day – night
9. msn or phone – msn
10. ipod or mp3 – ipod
ten have you ever
1. been caught sneaking out – nope
2. been skinny dipping – nope.
3. bungee jumped – I wished. Really.
4. finished an entire jaw breaker – um no? eh wait. idk.
5. lied to someone you liked – no.
6. wanted an ex bf/gf back – nah. lol.
8. cried yourself to sleep – yes.
9. cried because you lost a pet – think so.
10. wanted to disappear – hmm..
ten preferences in a partner
1. smile or eyes – both. (;
2. light or dark hair – hmm maybe, a mixture :D
3. hugs or kisses – both.
4. shorter or taller – taller la .__. it's just freaky if shorter right.
5. intelligence or attraction – haha both !
6. romantic or spontaneous – romantic. (;
7. funny or serious – funny(:
8. older or younger – older :D
9. outgoing or quiet – depends.
10. sweet or bad ass – sweet
nine ‘have you’s
1. ever performed in front of a large crowd – yeah.
2. ever done drugs – nah.
3. ever consumed alcohol – yeah. tiramisu, oh heaven.
4. ever been on a cheerleading team – nah.
5. ever been on a dance team – hmm, for like 1 month in primary 2.
6. ever been on a sports team – YES SPORTS FTW.
7. ever been in a drama play/production – dont think so.
8. ever owned a bmw, mercedes benz, escalade, hummer or bentley – nah.
9. ever been in a rap video? – Nope.
eight lasts
1. last phone call you made – someone.
2. last person you hung out with – relatives LOL
3. last time you worked – um hahaha long time ago.
4. last person you tackled – huh?
5. last person you im’d – sojourners.
6. last person(s) you went to the movies with – emme and nat :D
7. last thing you missed – fencing training. stomach flu, ugh.
8. last thing you ate – porridge. shit, i'm hungry.
last person to
1. sleep beside you – huh um mum ?
2. see you cry – someone.
3. you went out to dinner with – family.
4. you talked on the phone to – hmm. idk.
5. made you laugh – people.
would you rather
1. pierce your nose or tongue – neither.
2. be serious or be funny – funny
3. drink whole or skim milk – normal milk.
4. spend with your parents or enemies – parents la.
are you
1. simple or complicated – simple. maybe abit complicated. it depends :D
2. retarded - huh no.
do you prefer
1. flowers or candy – depends.
2. gray or black – Black? maybe grey :D
3. colour or black and white photos – both.
4. sunrise or sunset – both are special but, sunrise :D
5. staying up late or waking up early – stay up late
answer truthfully
1. do you like anyone – maybe, maybe not.
2. do they know it – whutt, no. lol.
do you prefer
1. sun or moon – moon.
2. winter or summer – winter
3. left or right – right?
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends – two best friends.
5. sun or rain – rain, I prefer colder days i guess, better days to sleep (;
6. vanilla or chocolate ice cream – vanilla.
7. coke or pepsi – coke ftw.
1. nervous habits – procrastination. wait is that nervous? :O
2. are you double jointed – no.
3. can you twist your tongue around and roll it – twist and roll.
4. can you raise one eyebrow - yup
5. can you cross your eyes – idk maybe.
6. do you make your bed daily – nope . heh.
1. which shoe goes on first – left
2. ever thrown something at someone – yup
3. on average, how much money do you carry with you? – whatcha think.
4. what jewellery do you wear – earings.
5. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it – twirl. it's cooler, lmao.
6. have you ever eaten spam – doubt it.
7. favorite ice cream – mint/vanilla/dark chocolate/cookies & cream/coffee/tea :D
8. how many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet – afew.
9. what’s your favorite beverage – starbucks.
10. do you cook – home econs next year, we'll see how it goes. :D but at the moment, no .__.
in the last month have you
1. had a relationship – nope.
2. bought something – yup.
3. sang – haha yeah.
4. been hugged – yeah
5. felt stupid – yeah
6. missed someone – YES.
1. last alcoholic drink – um, some sparkling apple juice, which may contain alcohol. hahaha.
2. last car ride – today. on the way to the clinic.
3. last movie seen - haha, megamind 3D !
4. last song played – Uhh, lupin by Kara I think. old song though :/
haha done :D